Online Courses & Tuition
The passion of transmission is at the heart of the Odysseia philosophy. We love sharing all we know, particularly when it comes to encapsulating all the beauty in the world. Storytelling, whether visual or written, has been essential in the creation of civilisations and holds incredible power for those who know how to weave the threads of a good narrative. If you want to learn, you've found the right place.
From how to get the most out of your travels or daily lives, to the most beautiful conservation stories, and everything in between, we're here to coach you. Our team is made of versatile and talented professionals, all driven to give back, uplift and inspire. As guides, photographers, philosophers and writers, we love nothing more than sharing what we know and challenging our audience to think, see and create in different ways. Whether you'd like to improve your photography, learn more about a destination or wildlife, explore the art of creative writing and powerful storytelling, or even learn new ways of looking at the world - our dedicated team is here to help. At a time when online learning has never been so exciting, let's brush off the old lockdown cobwebs and bring a bit of poetry and African magic to the comfort of your home!
As they say, Rome wasn’t built in a day, and neither are the Odysseia products. After a decent amount of blood, sweat and tears (men have feelings too), and years in the making, we bring you Odysseia’s Photography Course. A culmination of decades of research, experience in the field and behind the scenes work to deconstruct the most basic and ambitious photographic concepts. This course breaks down the most complex parts of photography into digestible modules to make them easier to understand and to apply to every genre of the ‘sport’.
The idea is not to instruct knowledge, since photography, like art, is entirely instinctual and always a matter of individual perspective, but rather to make easy the mechanics of photography, inspire ideas through guidelines and encourage the individual learner to adhere to their own creative instincts, converting those very emotions into works of art.
The learning never truly ends when it comes to photography, and so Odyessia pledges to never stop teaching. We will often be updating the course with new modules, new tutorials and new concepts for our community to understand and put into practice, so stay tuned! Join the family and let’s get your photography to the standards you want…and beyond!
“Nor does Helios, the radiant sun, ever break through the dark, to eliminate them with his shinning, neither when he climbs up into the starry heaven, nor when he wheels to return again from heaven to earth” – The Odyssey, Book XII
Private Photographic Tuition
From the basics to advanced learning and post processing.
We’re passionate about photography. Its ability to draw emotion, transfix, and inspire is as powerful as its potential for well-being and raising awareness. We also know how confusing the ever-new camera systems can be, how challenging finding your foot in the industry is and how difficult it might be to get to grips with your own style.
Being able to express what we see and feel, interpret it and create something born from our deepest instincts is perhaps one of the most beautiful ways to connect with who we are. Art is about self-awareness and finding what it means to be human within a world that often escapes us.
Thus, we deconstruct complex concepts with you, and help you apply theoretical knowledge and get to grips with the mechanics of your camera. So join one of our experts for an incredible, extensive online tuition session, and let us tap into your creative instincts.

Creative Writing: learn to write your own stories
Writing about Nature, about a moment, about a trip...
Here it is! Writing is a true passion of ours, and it’s one that we’d like to share with you. Stories are the foundations of our worlds and civilisations. We spend our lives deconstructing and rewriting the narratives of our existence – so how about learning to approach them in different ways?
If you want to write compelling and beautiful texts, for yourself or for the people you love to read – or even strangers – you’ve come to the right place. Learn to express yourself and your senses, to explore the weird and wonderful world of adjectives and feelings, to write words to match your photos, or even prepare the opening speeches of your gallery launch. Some say language is what separates us from the wild, and how better to explore the chasm between culture and nature by harnessing the power of words ?